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Weekly Wellness Tips

James Clear did the Maths in his book Atomic Habits.

“Get 1% better each day for one year, and you’ll end up 37 times better by the time you are done.”

Imagine putting in 1% and getting 37% return. That’s a great ROI. Little changes practiced over time can create huge results. Imagine if you could improve your focus by 1% each day. You have observed that your mind wanders when you sit down to complete a task. You find it difficult to ignore distractions. And when working on different elements of a task you sometimes go down a rabbit hole. What if you could change that. A tiny tweak in the way you begin your work.

You could apply a mind-hack where you create a clear image in your mind of what the finished result from a specific task will look like. You get a pen and pencil and draw out or write what ‘done’ looks like. This way you are not only mentally focusing but you are lighting up the part of the brain that helps you focus. The motor cortex that motivates you to take action. And the reticular activating system the part of you brain that helps you filter out info that you are not focusing on.

You could apply a productivity-hack such as turning off notifications. Or decide ahead of time if you will be using paper and pen, computer, which internet sites.

If we applied a body-hack to increase focus you could try out habits that increase blood flow to the brain. Ten minutes on your stationary bike or a 10 minute walk outside before beginning work could make a little difference to the clarity and focus. If you have a neurodiverse brain lower blood brain flow happens more often. So your ability to stay on task, ignore distractions and flexibly think through different ideas without losing focus sometimes is a bit more of a challenge. So exercising could make a bigger difference to you.

A nourish-hack might have your researching what I eat or drink that would help with blood flow to the brain. Beetroot juice has been used to improve brain performance. And if you can freshly squeeze some beetroots, apples and a little ginger and drink it before work you might notice a boost (up to 14% in one study) or brain function.

As tempting as it might be to try everything at once, focusing on one thing not only will help you master the thing quicker. But literally lay the path down in your brain for all the other habits that you will add in as you go.

Here’s a Beetroot Juice Recipe just in case you want to try:


Beetroot juice can boost stamina in exercisers and help brain performance. Beetroot juice produces nitric oxide an essential ingredient to help blood vessels relax and boost blood brain flow.

  • 1 medium beetroot washed and quartered
  • 3 apples, washed and quartered
  • 1 thumb of ginger


  • STEP 1
    Press the beetroots, apples and ginger through a juicer. or add a small quarter of beetroot to your smoothie each morning. .

Which 1% habit are you going to choose?

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