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Weekly Wellness Tips

I like the idea of shortcuts. Especially when it comes to time and effort saving. I also love all things productivity. I’ve probably tried 90% of the Planner, Calendar and ‘To do’ Apps out there. Originally with the wishful thought that somehow these outside apps and calendars would be the thing to level up my […]

Mastery, Deepwork, Morning Routine, Best Work

Somehow you forget that if you use up our emotional energy it can create an energy debt. And that energy debt can look like physical fatigue, feeling low, feeling emotional, not feeling motivated or not feeling able to take the steps you’d planned out for that day.

James Clear did the Maths in his book Atomic Habits. “Get 1% better each day for one year, and you’ll end up 37 times better by the time you are done.” Imagine putting in 1% and getting 37% return. That’s a great ROI. Little changes practiced over time can create huge results. Imagine if you […]