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Weekly Wellness Tips

You stay up late beyond your usual bedtime. Next day you feel a little tired. Or maybe you run on adrenaline and feel tired 2 days later.

You haul some boxes and move some furniture and within a week you’ve got a back ache. And although you question “why’s my back hurting me?” You remember oh yes – I lifted that heavy box in a rush.

Somehow you expect it. Staying up later than usual results in tiredness, moving around in a way you don’t normally might can give aches a few days later.

BUT when it comes to emotions it’s almost like you use different rules.

If you have an unexpected problem to solve, or a difficult conversation or “the same issue coming up again and again” sudden our next-day fatigue, flatness, demotivation, blankness or heaviness is you having an unexplainable bad day.

Somehow you forget that if you use up our emotional energy it can create an energy debt. And that energy debt can look like physical fatigue, feeling low, feeling emotional, not feeling motivated or not feeling able to take the steps you’d planned out for that day.

When an emotion like frustration is running through your body it’s not only sensory. It uses up energy as a currency. The emotion is firing nerves, causing waves in tiny proteins (hormones and immunes) and using up nutrients real-time.

Good news. Demotivation, feeling drained, flat and not wanting to follow-through on tasks is your body’s way of letting you know it needs rest.

A self-regulating walk in nature (30m+), a relaxing pilates class, a head massage, a green juice and a distraction, prayer, a chamomile tea with a friend (or a lemon verbena) to calm you down.

So next time you feel flat, or demotivated think about what you’ve been doing emotionally over the past few days, or week. Are you in energy debt. Listen to the helpful signal of demotivation and think of adding in a self-regulating restful activity to restore your soul and mind.

If you want to prioritise rest and restoration instead of overwork – I can help, click here to set up a call.