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Weekly Wellness Tips

I like the idea of shortcuts. Especially when it comes to time and effort saving. I also love all things productivity. I’ve probably tried 90% of the Planner, Calendar and ‘To do’ Apps out there. Originally with the wishful thought that somehow these outside apps and calendars would be the thing to level up my productivity. But when the novelty wore off and the ‘to-do’ list got too long you guessed it – I searched for something new.

I then stumbled across deepwork. A book written by Cal Newport. Deepwork according to Cal is:

“A state of distraction-free concentration where you push your cognitive capacities to their limit. These efforts create value, improve your skills and are hard to practice”

Cal Newport

I use the term more loosely to include distraction-free, focused intentional work. That includes some pre-planning to ensure I can direct my thoughts and actions more intentionally.

I joined a 30-day Deep Work Challenge. And showed up half-heartedly for the first 15 days. At Day 15 the deep workers in the challenge were split into high and low performing defined by number of deepwork sessions completed. I was in the low performing group and so I switched on my “A-game” for the final 15 days.

Fifteen days of daily 1h deepwork, paid off. Not only had my brain started to sculpt a deepwork path (neuronal pathway). But this path was reaching out to light up the parts of my brain to trigger new thoughts about my identity. My thoughts went from ‘I’ll failing at my deepwork session’ to ‘I accomplish so much during the first hours of the day’.

I determined to do the sprint again. The DW foundation was laid from my previous sprint. But this time I decided instead of trying 1h of deepwork daily – I’d try 3 hours. I had the aim of 6-9am – Mon -Fri. With the plan B of 11-2pm if I missed my 6-9am. And 1h if I missed my 11-2pm. If I ever missed a day. I resolved to try again the next day.

I decided on plan B back up options because I intentional gave myself the permission for it to be messy. Based on the idea that elite athletes and peak performers path to mastery includes defining goals, shooting and missing , tripping up, trying again, and developing personal processes designed for us to become winners. After all learning to walk is only possible because we loose our balance, fall and get up (get a little stronger) try again.

With this in mind I decided ahead of time that messing up would not be a problem. I even expected it. And I was determined to keep the two thoughts in mind (1) It’s ok to be messy (2) I can reach this ideal goal of 3h deepwork at 6-9am. I also observed how I did. How did I win when I completed deepwork at the scheduled time. What did I think make me miss deepwork sessions. How could I apply the new learning tomorrow?

Mastery is about evolution. Building on the brain path you laid already. Allowing the intelligent design to prune the brain path with each try.

I haven’t given up deepwork. Deepwork influences many parts of my life. It’s inspired me to relook at my wellness know-how and think what value could I create if I were to think more deeply, rest more deeply – practice wellness more deeply. This super messy start has literally snowballed my way to productivity with shortcuts I’d never imagined. I think this type of change is possible for any area in life. My area of expertise is mind and body health. And my main work is to help female entrepreneurs learn how their mind and body works and help them take charge of creating wellness in their daily life so they can live and work from a place of rest.

So why not give it a try. The process is simple. Take a value (related to wellness) that you’d like to create in your life.

1) Take a single goal that is clearly defined. For example ‘Be in bed at 10pm each night with devices off.’

2) Define the minimum you’d like to do to create this “bed by 10pm” value? Switch wifi off all devices. Make and drink a small cup of chamomile tea. Go in bedroom. Be in bed by 10pm.

3) Practice the goal for for 2 weeks. Create if you feel unmotivated to turn off devices – you’ll just go into bed.

4) Stay with the single focus until your brain shifts from this is too much effort, or taking too long or I’m never going to master this to ‘I know how to get in bed by 10pm’, ‘I am building trust that I will do my wellness goal’.

If you want to work with me, reach out in my DMs, and send me a message and we’ll set up a time to talk.

If you’re interested in a learning more how you can work with me to create wellness change in your life. Click link to book consult call.